27Information Board on the Albert Kuntz Memorial Stone


Memorial for Albert Kuntz at the former Albert-Kuntz-Platz
Memorial for Albert Kuntz at the former Albert-Kuntz-Platz (today: Bahnhofsplatz), 1970 (Stadtarchiv Nordhausen)
Portrait of Albert Kuntz
Albert Kuntz, before 1933 (KZ-Gedenkstätte Mittelbau-Dora)

Since January 2005, there has been an information board on the station square which refers to a memorial to Albert Kuntz, who was murdered in the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp. The square had also been named after the communist resistance fighter until 1990.

The City of Nordhausen had already erected a memorial stone for Albert Kuntz on the station forecourt in 1946. This memorial has a special history: the three stone blocks were originally part of a monument to the National Socialist "martyrs" Horst Wessel and Albert Leo Schlageter, which the National Socialists had erected in Nordhausen's city park. On 27 May 1945, this memorial column was removed like the other Nazi monuments in Nordhausen. Three stone blocks of the column were used to commemorate Albert Kuntz from December 1946, the fourth is still standing today in Salza with the inscription "Peace". As part of the redesign of the station forecourt, the City of Nordhausen removed the Albert Kuntz memorial stone in 2000 and moved it to the Nordhausen city museum "Flohburg". The information plaque was installed at the original location of the memorial.

Albert Kuntz was a KPD member of the Prussian state parliament in 1932. After his arrest in March 1933, the communist began a twelve-year period of imprisonment and suffering, which he had to spend in various prisons and concentration camps. In 1937, Albert Kuntz was deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp, where he became one of the organisers of the conspiratorial KPD group. The SS later transported him to the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp. After resistance groups were uncovered in the camp, Albert Kuntz died after weeks of torture by members of the Gestapo on the night of 22 to 23 January 1945 in the detention cells of the Dora camp.

Albert Kuntz was regarded as one of the most prominent anti-fascist resistance fighters in the GDR and became a key figure in public honours and commemorations in the Nordhausen region. Numerous enterprises and public places were named after him.

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